Tumbling Shoals Baptist Church
Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Sunday Bible Study

Morning Bible Study


Old(er) Adults, Co-Ed - Gary Xiques & Jason Grenko, Leaders
Both couples and singles are welcome.
Ladies - Donna Patchin, Leader
For all ladies 18 and older.  
Young(er) Adults, Co-Ed - Calvin & Ginger Aldridge, Leaders
Both couples and singles are welcome.  
Our youth and children’s leaders desire to help their students “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 
HS Students - Sarah Crossett, Leader
MS Students - Jacob Poe,  Leader
Children II - David & Lona Jeffrey, Leaders
Children I – Kelli Patchin & Mallorie Ault, Leaders
Toddlers - Rebekah Patchin, Leader
Nursery - Oneta Williams, Leader

Evening Discipleship Instruction

Meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month
5pm Potluck, 5:30pm Study
Pastor Mark W. Williams, Leader
All are welcome.
Worship, Prayer, and Study of Bible Doctrine